Education – Student Creative Writing.

Created: Friday, 24 May 2013 00:00

Student Creative Writing
“The Day That I Saw a Thylacine”

Tassie TigerMany current day thylacine sightings occur for only a brief moment. Seconds can seem like minutes and as soon as thylacines sense your presence they soon depart to the safety and the sanctuary of the nearby scrub and bush. Occasionally, however they come out into the open fields or paddocks, they have been seen crossing roadways during dusk or night or they might suddenly ‘pop out’ of the bush unexpectedly whilst people are walking along a trail, or be seen eating the remains of a recently killed animal (kangaroo, possum, rabbit, duck or bird etc.).
As part of your story, outline:-

  • The details of what had transpired prior to your sighting, (What were you doing or where were you going to at the time?)
  • The location of the sighting along with any specific details about the landscape and the vegetation, distance to neighbouring towns
  • The time of day and the weather conditions at the time,
  • Who was with you at the time/ were you on your own?
  • How did you happen to see the thylacine?
  • What was it doing at the time?
  • How close were you in relation to the animal?
  • What did it look like? Describe the animal, including its size, shape colourings and any special features. How can you tell that the animal was not simply a fox or dog instead?
  • How long did you see the thylacine for? Was there only one of them or more?
  • What did the animal do after you first saw it? What happened at the end when it disappeared?
  • Who did you tell about your sighting and did they believe you?

Your report should be of at least one – two pages in length, but can be longer depending on the information that you are including.
Good Luck!